Python Miscellaneous

This is a collection of miscellaneous concepts in python.

python built in function

Python Built-in Functions

Python has a set of built-in functions that you can use directly without any need to import them.

python add to list

Python add to list

Learn how to add elements to a list in Python using 5 different methods with examples.

python append list to another list

Python append list to another list

Learn how to add elements to a list in Python using 5 different methods with examples.

string comparison in python

String Comparison in Python

Learn different ways for different conditions to compare strings in Python.

string formatting in python

String Formatting in Python

Format strings in python to insert variables inside a string for readability and to customize output.

python number format

Python number format

Format numbers in python to make them more readable and display them in a specific format.

python string to datetime

Convert python string to datetime object

Learn how to convert python string to datetime object using strptime() method using various different examples.

python append multiple items to the list

Python append multiple items to the list

Get to know 4 different methods by which you can append multiple items to a list at once in Python.

pattern program in python

30 Pattern Program In Python

Create 30 different pattern programs in Python. Creating all types of patterns using Python will help you learn the concepts of programming deeply.

Pyramid pattern in python

Pyramid Pattern In Python

Create different pyramid pattern like full pyramid, hollow pyramid, inverted pyramid, and mirrored pyramid in Python with complete code.

python compare two lists

Python compare two lists

Compare two lists in Python, Check if all elements of a list are present in the same order in another list, check if all element is present in other (in any order), etc.

python list extend vs append

Python list extend vs append

Extend and append are 2 different methods used to add elements to a list in Python. Learn what is the difference between them and which one is better in which situation.

python merge two lists

Python merge two lists

Merging two lists in Python is a very common task. Learn 6 different ways by which you can merge two lists in Python.

python remove multiple items from list

Python remove multiple items from list

As we add elements to a list in Python, sometimes we need to remove multiple items from a list. Here you will learn how to remove multiple items from a list in Python.

Rock Paper Scissors in Python

Rock Paper Scissors in Python

Learn how to create a Rock Paper Scissors game in Python using the Pygame library. This is a beginner-friendly project for Python developers.

Tic Tac Toe game in Python

Tic Tac Toe Game In Python

Tic Tac Toe is a very famous game in the world. Let's create a simple tic tac toe game in python that can be played in the terminal and an advanced game in python using Pygame.

BMI calculator Python

BMI Calculator Python

BMI calculator could be a good beginner-friendly project for Python developers. In this tutorial, you will learn how to calculate your BMI in Python.

convert list to string Python

Convert List To String Python

Sometimes you need to convert a list to a string to display it in the terminal or for some other purpose. In this tutorial, you will learn how to convert a list to a string in Python.

convert string to list Python

Convert String To List Python

Sometimes you need to convert a string to a list to get characters or words from a sentence. In this tutorial, you will learn how to convert a string to a list in Python.

find max and min in a list python

Find max and min in a list Python

Let's know different methods to find the maximum and minimum in a list in Python with example code.

remove element from list python

Remove element from list python

Learn 3 different ways to remove element from a list in Python with example code.

check if string contains substring python

Check if string contains substring Python

Finding a substring in a string is a very common task. In this tutorial, you will learn 7 different ways to find a substring in a string in Python.

generate random number in Python

Generate Random Number Python

Random numbers are used a lot in computer programming, to test a program, to guess a number, etc. Here you will learn how to generate random numbers in Python.

python string contains substring

Python string contains substring

Let's look at 4 different ways to check if a string contains a substring in Python.Also, 2 ifferent ways to get the location of the substring in the string.

Reverse string in Python

Reverse string in Python

Reverse a string in Python is a very common task. In this tutorial, you will learn how to reverse a string in Python using 6 different ways.

Remove item from dictionary Python

Remove item from dictionary Python

Learn multiple different methods to remove items from a dictionary in Python with example code.

Python dictionary update

Python dictionary update

Python dictionary is a mutable data type. It elements can be modified. Let's look at various methods to update an item in dictionary.

How to use proxy with Python requests

How to use proxy with Python requests

Learn how to use proxy with Python requests library. We will use the requests library to send a request to a website using a proxy.