CSV Viewer & Editor

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Are you tired of struggling to read CSV data? Look no further! Our CSV Viewer tool is here to help!

Our CSV Viewer is a tool that helps you to view and analyze your CSV data. It displays the CSV data on the left side and creates a table on the right side, making it easier for you to analyze and interpret the data.

Why do you need a CSV Viewer? πŸ€” Well, CSV files can contain large amounts of data, and it can be difficult to read and understand them.

How to use CSV Viewer Tool

How to use CSV Viewer Tool

Our tool is versatile 🌎 and easy to use. You can load files from your device or any URL, and the tool will automatically detect changes in the CSV data, updating the table accordingly.

You can also copy the code, download an Excel version of the CSV, download the JSON, or even download an image version of the table.🀩

There are 3 ways to load your JSON code into the text area:

  1. Copy and paste your CSV code into the text area.πŸ“‹
  2. Load a CSV file from your computer.πŸ“‚
  3. Load a CSV file from a URL.πŸ”—

As soon as data is loaded to input field, the tool will automatically create a table on the right side. You can also search for specific data in the table.πŸ”

Other Features of CSV Viewer Tool

For your convenience, we have added some other features to our CSV Viewer tool:

πŸš€ So what are you waiting for? Try our CSV Viewer tool today and see how it can transform the way you work with data!